International festival for the creative industry ➡️ discover cutting edge creativity & global trends in motion design & post-digital culture. We’ve had a blast at this year festivals in Breda and Amsterdam. In 2023 we welcome you on 5+6 October in Rotterdam. And more to be announced!

Tickets for 2023 can be found here!

Re-watch talks & interview on our RePlay platform

Over the years Playgrounds has collected amazing presentations during our festivals. These rich archives are now gathered in one place.

You can re-watch talks, demos and panels for free. All you have to do is register. What are you waiting for? Let’s go ➡️ RePlay

Thank you to all our sponsors and partners!

Principal sponsor – Procreate
StimuleringsfondsProvincie Noord-BrabantGemeente BredaBrabant CCultuur Eindhoven