Playgrounds Blend 2021 (online only)

This year’s edition of Blend has been divided into two events: an on-site festival (7+8 October 2021) and an online only event (24+25 November 2021). As The Netherlands slowly opened up again we had the pleasure to meet some of your in real life again! But we also want to connect and reach out to rest of the world. So here we are: a Blend fest split in two parts. Double fun!



24 November 2021 - 25 November 2021 (Event has ended)
Entrance fee
Free entrance, registration required

In Blend we expand the perspective on post-digital visual culture by picking the brains of leading, inspiring artists from all over the world. We show you a catwalk of inspiring, progressive and innovative work from artists who stretch outside traditional disciplines and love to mash things up.

The online version will be livestreamed via our digital hub. The hub is freely accessible for everyone. The only thing you have to do is register your e-mail address. You can do so by registering for an online only-ticket on this page.

Organize watch parties, play Blend while you work on your projects like a visual podcast and let us meet in the live chat!

And if you cannot be there all the time, or you just live in another timezone, the re-watch is your best friend! All talks and interviews will be available for free until Saturday 27 November 23.59.

Many thanks to our partners and sponsors

Principal sponsor – Procreate
StimuleringsfondsProvincie Noord-BrabantGemeente BredaCultuur Eindhoven