In Motion London is giving you the chance to talk to artists and studios. Get connected, get advice and learn about how to improve your portfolio.
- Each review slot has 15 minutes. Due to high demand we can only accommodate 1 review per person
- Registration for portfolio reviews can only be done on-site, at the festival venue.
- You can only sign up for the portfolio reviews session happening on that specific day.
- It’s a first come, first serve system. Get your running shoes on.
- The reviews will be done face-to-face. If you want to show your portfolio digitally, you’ll need to bring your own device.
- The portfolio reviews are happening in the Industry Garden space.
THURSDAY 10 OCTOBER (timetable)
- Tom CJ Brown
- Treatment Studio
- weareseventeen
- Picnic Studio
- James Baxter
- Jelly
- Erwin v/d IJssel
- Golden Wolf
- Animade
FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER (timetable)
- Locksmith Animation
- Tom CJ Brown
- Prashanti Aswani
- Optical Arts
- Margherita Premuroso
- Nexus Studios
- Robert-Jonathan Koeyers
- Kim Taylor
- Treatment Studio
- James Baxter
- The Line
- Karl Poyzer