A stunning pick from our brand new Playgrounds Eye Candy editor, graphic designer and co-founder of Outslick Magazine: Milou van der Walle. She is introducing us to the spectacular artistry of Femke Huurdeman, a Dutch filmmaker based between London and Amsterdam, working around the globe.
Milou: “Femke Huurdeman is a film director who has a unique style. When I watch her videos I always feel like I want to be part of the story. Huurdeman has a background in fashion and she has made various music videos for international artists like Sundan Archives and Sigrid, commercials for different brands and fashion films.
The first time the work of Femke caught my eye was four years ago when I watched the videoclip ‘BBB’ of dutch rapper Bokoesam. I fell in love with her use of aesthetics (the amount of pink) and the simplicity of the setting and objects that were used. I felt the video contained multiple layers and this made me rewatch the clip numerous times. And I kept on discovering different elements.”
“The combination of her art direction and conceptual vision immediately caught my attention. This video was quite unusual compared to other Dutch hiphop videos I’d known. One of her most recent works is the music video ‘Mirror’ which Huurdeman made for Norwegian artist Sigrid. The song is about accepting yourself and being who you want to be. A message that is portrayed a lot in this day and age. Huurdeman clearly has her own approach in visualizing it using different elements such as the chameleon, a game of chess and a portrait. The video stands out for me, just like the music video of Bokoesam. The layers in Huurdeman her videos, use of different details and uncommon style impress me every time. For these reasons I would definitely recommend to check out her work!”