Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Mainly specialised in 2d animations and ran by Joost van den Bosch & Erik Verkerk, they mostly work for feature films and TV-series such as George & Paul, Lummels, The 3D Machine or De Grobbebollen maken LOL.
Founded in 2007 the studio first tackled creating commercials, shorts and series. Their success prompted them to move towards longer formats as well, like Pim & Pom Het Grote Avontuur, Heinz, Urbanus de Vuilnisheld and De Tand des Tijds.
In this in-depth interview we get to talk with Joost and Erik about their creative journeys and how they managed to make the studio grow. They will also share with us several behind the scenes insights about their work and process.
Tune in for the live-chat and ask everything you’d like to know about managing an animations studio!