Playgrounds TV: Beatrice Blue

After an artist talk and a demo for The Art Department we thought “we need to hear more!”. Playgrounds director Leon van Rooij talks to Beatrice Blue and in an in-depth interview of over an hour we learn more about this amazing artist.

4 June 2021 (Event has ended)
20:30 - 22:00
Entrance fee
Free entrance | Timezone CEST

Beatrice Blue is an illustrator and visual development artist in love with magic, forests, colours and potions. She works on animation movies and illustrates books.  She has collaborated with Dreamworks TV, Hasbro, Harper Collins, Nickelodeon, Square-Enix, Lonely Planet and Procreate, among others.

She´s also a great explorer, and if you can´t find her for some reason, she might be just hiding in some cabin inside a lost mountain somewhere in the world. She always carries with her a banana shaped pencil case full of pencil colors, as well as sketchbooks, storybooks, and lots of fruit. Oh, and sticks that she picks constantly from the floor too.

Join us Friday 4 June!


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