original art work and books for sale

Original art work and books for sale at The Art Department by amazing animators, illustrators and designers!

Participants are:

LoishWouter TulpJohn NevarezTerryl Whitlatch, Dion Soethoudt, Vera Savelkouls, Jelle van de Meerendonk, Vasili Lights, Dirk van Dulmen,Loulou & Tummie, Tosca van der Weerden, Bastien Grivet, KnightJJ

And: this year Caurette books is present with a fine collection of their catalogue. Expect books by Even Mehl Amundsen, Jesper Eysing, the new #hardcover book by various artists.

A number of artists will do book signings at the Art Market:
Loish (after her artist talk)
  • 3 October 15:15 – 16:15
Wouter Tulp
  • 3 October 11:30-12:30
  • 4 October:  13:00-14:00
Terryl Whitlatch (after her artist talk )
  • 4 October: 15:15 – 15:45
Dirk van Dulmen
  • 3 October:  14:00-15:00
  • 4 October:  14:00-15:00



