Zombie Nation is a German techno/electro project of the Munich based DJ and producer Florian Senfter (a.k.a. Splank!). The first Zombie release contained the unsuspecting song Kernkraft 400, which was based on part of David Whittaker’s music from the 1984 Commodore 64 game Lazy Jones.

A licensed re-make of that song landed in top ranking chart positions all over the world and has been used as a popular goal-celebration song at NHL, soccer, rugby and basketball games. But Zombie Nation has released more great albums since then and is among the most successful live acts in electronic music. “Working for the perfect moment” is how Splank! still describes his work with Zombie Nation. “Get the best out of every single live moment and prove it again and again in every new situation.” Check 013 website for more information.