Our most ambitious and most visited edition yet, went by in the blink of an eye. It’s difficult to put in words the wonderful times we’ve experienced during The Art Department Eindhoven, the great energy of the audience and the massive inspiration from our guests. Not to mention the absolutely heart-warming feedback!
A massive THANK YOU to everybody that was part in our event from the guest artists to the audience, from sponsors to partners and collaborators, friends, family… even our online audience that followed our reports! We all made the magic happen!
Now the dust has settled, we wanted to share some of the coverage we’ve received.
A lovely and fun interview featuring James Baxter but also about animation and The Art Department Eindhoven in general, was included in the Dutch tv program Khalid & Sophie.
Dutch tv program Nieuwsuur covered the festival and interviewed Curt Enderle, Iris Compiet, Danar Worya and founder/director Leon van Rooij.
Filmkrant, one of the most prestigious Dutch outlets dedicated to cinema, made an interview with Curt Enderle. A great read for our Dutch speaking friends!
Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant created an article where they spoke intensively with Gustav Hoegen.
Friday night Gustav was also a guest at the Dutch national radio show Nooit meer slapen (Never sleep again). The whole interview can be heard here.
“The Art Department lets us meet the brilliant minds behind the creation of characters and stories. It’s a meeting point that not only allows us to put faces but also to get to know them in a much more personal way, to know how they think and create those very interesting universes into which people from all over the world enter and are fascinated, ask them questions and share anecdotes and personal experiences with which to know all the ins and outs of a fascinating industry about which not much is known.” Enjoy the entire read from the wonderful people from Metal Magazine.
Local newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad created a piece about the festival and the extra program we organized in Natlab and in public space.
And featuring fabulous news for us all, this Eindhoven Dagblad article. The council agreed to keep Tosca’s gorgeous flooral on the Ketelhuisplein, despite the initial plan to have it removed at the end of our festival. It would have been a real pity to have a 6-days work swiped away, but even more so to deprive Eindhoven Strijp-S visitors from a stunning piece of art!