playgrounds eye candy

Our ever inspiring editor Iris van den Akker has prepared a dreamy Eye Candy tip: the talented Izzy Burton and her eerie short animation “Via”.

Iris: “Izzy works at Blue Zoo Animation in London and just recently released her film ‘Via’, which she directed, but also designed, story-boarded, animated and composited. It’s a very touching film about life, accompanied by a poem written by Rachel Cladingbowl. It reminded me a bit of Up: through traveling, a story about life gets told.
Izzy’s work is dreamy, yet at the same time very vibrant, warm and colorful. Her style is easily recognizable in the background of Blue Zoo’s animation, where she works as a concept artist and art director. But her talent shines especially in her own film ‘Via’, where she creates breathtaking images with an amazing ability of managing environments that look familiar, but also fantastical. It matches very well the poem and makes me really look forward to her next work.”

Izzy Burton is a 24 year old Concept Artist and Art Director at Blue Zoo Animation Studios in London.


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