Moth is an animation studio based in London founded by three friends. It’s iconic emotive and human storytelling has gained a lot of recognition and organizations like The Guardian, Facebook and CNN are part of Moth’s clientele.
The three behind the thriving Animation Studio are Marie-Margaux Tsakiri-Scanatovits, Daniel Chester and David Posser. They initiated Moth to share their love for storytelling, drawing and filmmaking through animation. Started with the three of them, the team is now with five.
Moth has a strong emphasis on character and design as communication. They are always grasping for a new approach and through collaboration they create expressive work that maintains a smart and unmistakable voice. The way in which Moth twists complex situations into something playful makes them extraordinary.
An example of work that takes on a difficult topic is the film ‘The Last Job On Earth’ which was made for The Guardian. This piece of work exposes the dark side of automation and the danger of technology.
The work of Moth has been celebrated at festivals worldwide, earning them multiple BAFTA nominations, an Annecy Cristal and D&AD pencil amongst other awards.