A film that won hearts and awards, Oink (based on the book of Tosca Menten) was the first stop-motion film to win a Gouden Kalf award for ‘Best Film’ at the Dutch Film Festival and the first Dutch animation film that got selected for the Berlinale. The awarded production design and decor of the film blew us away, so we over the moon to exhibit a part of this at The Art Department Eindhoven!

The story of Oink starts when 9-year-old Babs receives a pig named Oink as a present from her grandfather, she convinces her parents to keep it under the condition that Oink follows a puppy training. But her parents are not the biggest threat to Oink because actually her grandfather is secretly taking part in the sausage competition organized by The Society for Meat Products from Fresh Pigs…
Can’t attend The Art Department Eindhoven but still want to see the exposition? The expo will be on display in Natlab (Kastanjelaan 500 Eindhoven) from 25 March until 19 April (free entrance).