Leon Tukker is a freelance concept/environment/3D artist and animator living in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Specialized in architecture, science fiction and environment design, he has worked for clients such as Axis Animation, Wizards of the Coast, Paizo Publishing, Paramount Pictures and Keoken Interactive, among others. Leon also been one of the co-curators of several The Art Department editions as well as a former contributing editor for the Playgrounds Eye Candy series.

As a kid he really liked to play with legos which, he considers, is what sparked the creative little being inside of him! His works were further influenced by a love for science fiction movies and games. He likes to combine abstract shapes with vibrant colors as well as creating weird alien worlds and giant cityscapes.
He has worked for clients like: Axis Studios, Wizards of the coast, Paramount Pictures, Paizo Publishing and the Dutch game company Keoken Interactive.
Throughout time he has been involved in several Playgrounds initiatives making us marvel at all his amazing industry insights. We are delighted that during this edition of The Art Department Berlin he will be back for a live VR demo!