We’re joining forces with KLIK Amsterdam Animation Festival! So whenever you feel like taking a break from all the talks, make sure to pop in to stage 2 in Tuschinski. There are 5 screening programs ready to dazzle you!
This third block of animations is all about epic journeys and adventures. Such is the mouse’s quest for finding back the beautiful red flower in Jorn Leeuwerink’s “Flower Found!”.
Total length of the program: approx 60 minutes
Short films:
Home (Domov) by Aliona Baranova
Contact by Katy Wang
Framed by Marco Jemolo
Revelation – the City of Haze (启示录 – 雾霾之城) by Qichao Mao
Wednesday With Goddard by Nicolas Ménard
Totems by Paul Jadoul
Catmos (Kotos) by Katya Miloslavskaya
Flower Found! by Jorn Leeuwerink