Get the opportunity to receive personalized feedback on your project plan and pave the way towards a successful funding application or project plan during a 9-week one-on-one coaching period.
Originating from a recurring query from filmmakers and AV creators we engage with in our Filmhelpdesk sessions and at our festivals, we have developed a program open to makers who have a project plan in development and require additional coaching to refine their project plan into a submission-ready application.
In this program, eight plans/makers will receive one-on-one coaching over nine weeks by a professional who will engage in three sessions to provide insightful feedback on your developing proposal. So every three weeks you will have a coaching session, in between you will work with the feedback the coach gave you. Through this intensive process, you will prepare your plan for submission to the pre-selected funds you have identified.
This program is open to all working professionals. Students cannot apply. It’s open to trained and autodidact professionals. Your work must align with the field of audio-visual arts, and you must have a clear understanding of which fund(s) you intend to apply to and meet all the requirements of these funds.
Requirements for selection:
- You have advanced project plan on paper in Dutch or English;
- You have a clear idea, and are matching all requirements, of the fund(s)/ trajectories / institutions you want to apply or pitch;
- This call is open to audio-visual makers across the whole spectrum of the film medium, includingproducers/ production companies;
- This call is open to autodidact makers;
- You will have to work and live in Noord-Brabant.
Please submit the following documents:
- CV & portfolio: max. 2 pages;
- Project plan: 8 pages excluding visual material;
- Short description of the fund(s) or institution you want to apply or pitch for, including link to the procedure and stating the submission deadline);
- Please apply via this link;
- Deadline: Wed 18 December 17.00 CEST.
For questions:
Eight plans will be selected, no feedback can be given to the other plans due to time restrictions. Selection willbe made by Next coordinators and/or Playgrounds staff. Participants will be informed in the second week of January.
Disclaimer: Participation in this trajectory does not guarantee a successful subsidy award.
📸 Willeke Machiels