12 November 2021


a playgrounds eye candy tip diving into graphic art

With this week’s tip, our editor Laura Zoon introduces us to the spectacular works of illustrator and comic artist Fabrizio Dori.

Laura: “Fabrizio Dori is an Italian illustrator who I came across when I stumbled upon his graphic novel “De Dolende God” (The Wandering God) in my local comic book store. I was immediately taken by the beautiful and mysterious cover and after reading the premise I was hooked, which is why I would like to share this with you. Unfortunately, this graphic novel has not yet been translated to English, so this premise is translated from Dutch. 

“Eustis the vagabond was once a satyr and companion of the god Dionysos, but since a quarrel with the goddess Artemis he lives among men. One day, Hekate gives him the opportunity to return to the world of the gods in exchange for a sphinx. Eustis sets off, accompanied by his friend the professor and the ghost of a Greek warrior. They meet Greek gods, roam mythical lands and defy epic obstacles, but… which sphinx did Hekate actually mean?”

This story, told by the strikingly colourful and mystical illustrations of Fabrizio Dori, takes you on a journey through a world filled with gods and other mythical creatures, while visually referencing famous artists such as Vincent van Gogh by using elements of their work. This also makes it a fun challenge to try to find all the various influences spread throughout the work. One thing I really admire about the novel is that you can open the book on any page and you will be greeted by a beautiful composition. 

Dori’s graphic novel “De Dolende God” is available in Italian, French, Dutch, Spanish, Turkish and Croatian.”

Fabrizio Dori is an illustrator and comics artist. A graduate of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, his work has been exhibited across Italy. He lives in Milan.


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