VR artist

The partners of Next are delighted Iris van der Meule is one of the selected talents. Iris is a digital artist based in Breda. With a bachelor (with honors) and master degree in animation she grew a fascination for virtual reality and educated herself in creating interactive VR experiences. As VR is a new storytelling medium, Iris is eager to research how we can use this medium creatively. She is investigating ‘experience design’ to bring storytelling to a new level. Iris is following the Next Talent Program.

With a broad interest in animation, coding, interactivity and sound Iris likes to experiment with different disciplines to see what they can add to an entire experience. In her work Iris has a strong documentary approach. She is fascinated by socially relevant and engaged topics. Topic’s she likes to question or to put in different perspectives in order to learn from them. In her work Iris combines these topics with VR storytelling and investigates new ways of experiencing stories. For example her latest work ‘Inktzwart’, an interactive VR experience about the MH17 crash, shows a new way of remembering this tragic event. It’s a poetic visualization of elements and emotions around MH17. By using a non linear narrative structure the spectator is free to experience the story at their own pace and time. The experience does not only teach us about the MH17 crash, but it also proves that tragic events like these can also be remembered in a digital form.

Iris believes that combining VR storytelling with socially relevant topics will result in new and profound ways of addressing the viewer. VR storytelling and experience design are strong in evoking emotion and raising awareness and therefore Iris wants to use them to bring humanity closer together. Iris is a true VR pioneer when it comes to using VR as an art form and sees the potential of the medium for creatives like her to bring storytelling and art to a new level.
