Our Discord has been brewing quite a lovely community lately. We have monthly live sketching sessions with Drink & Draw Berlin, art challenges created by special guest artists as well as 1sec animation show-offs.
For The Art Department however, we are stepping things up a notch. So if you’re up for adding an extra level of interaction to your TAD experience, do have a look at this cozy online space. Unconvinced? Read on and find out some of the perks we’re offering our PLGR Discorders.

If you want to meet new people during our fest, find cozy places to hang-out or get hotels tips, you can already browse through our travel-buddies thread on Discord. Our server is also the place to try and get hold of tickets (once they sell out).
One of the novelty elements however, lies in the possibility to register for various activities happening around and during The Art Department, exclusively announced on Discord. Not to mention, during the festival we’re also going to set up our very first Treasure Hunt!
Also, for the first time this year, audience members will be able to post their questions for the artists on our Main Stage, right on our Discord server. The host will keep an eye on the threads and, if time allows, will select a couple to ask at the end of the artist talks. Groovy right?
We also have some special treats for the Discord users that won’t be able to join us in person during The Art Department. Our favorite artworks submitted in the Discord challenges will be showcased on a special screen during the festival. Even more, the amazing people from Drink & Draw Berlin will regularly post photos of the live models present at the sketching sessions, so that people at home can draw along. We’ll print our favorite submissions and add them to the Drink & Draw corner.
There are still some goodies we can’t reveal just yet. However, what we can say is that if you haven’t done so already, now would be a good time to join our Discord!