Screening with intro by Film Lecturer, Twan Arts
In his first foray into animation, renowned director Wes Anderson took on the beloved Roald Dahl story and brought it to life in a charming, tactile stop-motion world. Fantastic Mr. Fox brought together an all-star cast including George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, and Owen Wilson, and upon its release, it became an instant classic.
We’re thrilled to welcome film lecturer Twan Arts to lead a masterclass before the screening. During his talk, Twan will dig into what exactly makes this film stand out and why it remains so memorable. Together, we’ll explore Anderson’s distinctive animation style that sets Fantastic Mr. Fox apart while gaining insights into Anderson’s creative vision.
Time: 15th April, 20:00
Location: Auditorium, NatLab
Price: Regular €16,50 / Student €12,00
Grab your tickets here.