So you can witness some live research done by Michel Wittmer of Centre of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology (Avans University of Applied Sciences) at Blend! His research embodies enabling augmented sense-making with wearable technology. What??
Michel Witter (Centre of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology (Avans University of Applied Sciences)), Thomas (Huster Academy of Communication and User Experience (Avans University of Applied Sciences)), Licia Calvi (NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences) and Marloeke van der Vlugt (lectoraat Performative Making Processes (HKU University of the Arts)) are exploring how a post-cognitive approach to human perception can help the design of wearable technologies that augment sense-making. Their research relies on the notion of pure experience to understand how we can make sense of the world without interpreting it, for example through our body, an approach that is claimed by phenomenology.
This interactive (belt) system is designed to induce tactile sensation of virtual objects in space in order to capture the subjects’ responses. Their aim is to also measure biometrical responses according to the wearer’s experience.
The system displayed consists of a Pozyx object tracking system, a Unity setup including a reference 3D space and objects, Arduino board with wifi shield and PWM driver, and an elastic belt holding eight vibration motors.
Want to know more? Ask Michel or see here.