Stop motion animator and director Niels Hoebers has been selected as one of the Next talents, a tailor made talent program. Through the years Hoebers collaborated with a lot of Dutch Designers and made animations for several companies, museums and TV. Niels Hoebers’ work characterizes itself by the wide variety of different materials he uses in his animations. The love and knowledge for these materials and their unique qualities ensure that the animations feel magical real.
Hoebers shows his Motion Cabinet at The Art Department. This is a practical and mobile stage, especially designed for stop motion animations. The Motion Cabinet brings a craft into the 21 century. The cabinet is a modular system that creates the freedom that is necessary to realise a creative concept. All the tools that are used on a stop motion set are integrated in the cabinet. Also on display a collaboration Hoebers did with designer Maarten Baas, ‘Working my way up’.