Take a deep dive into the making of one of the Netherlands’ most successful crime series, Mocro Maffia. This captivating case study offers an in-depth exploration into the series’ development, providing various perspectives from the crew members.

Gain exclusive behind-the-scenes insights from Director of Photography, Daan Nieuwenhuijs, and actor Mandela Wee Wee. Hosted by Luuk van de Ven, this event will guide you through exclusive behind-the-scenes revelations, and as an audience member, you’ll have the opportunity to pose your questions.

25 January 2024 (Event has ended)
Natlab, Kastanjelaan 500 Eindhoven
20:00 - 22:00

Recipient of the prestigious Golden Calf for Best Drama Series in 2021, Mocro Maffia narrates the ascent of a new breed of criminals within Amsterdam’s underworld. Follow the journey of the lead character and his close friends, Romano, Potlood, and De Paus, as they transition from minor offenses to more serious crimes, ultimately becoming key players in Amsterdam’s cocaine trade. As jealousy seeps in, the group fractures, sparking intense rivalry.

This case study was developed in collaboration with New Noardic Wave, a partner of Screen Talent NL and BROET.

Playgrounds Next is the talent hub for filmmakers and audiovisual creators in North Brabant.

Please note that this talk will be in Dutch.