Burning questions about film financing? Urgently looking for the perfect location or crew? Report to the Filmhelpdesk!
In 2024 we set up the Filmhelpdesk in order to address all your film-related questions. Together with BROET and KONKAV, Playgrounds is on standby for a 1-on-1 talk and we are happy to brainstorm with you or provide advice. To make matters sweeter, this time, we will be joined by documentary producer and director Daan Willekens, owner of D2D Media.
Daan Willekens (1980) graduated from the School of Journalism in 2003 and then completed a master’s in Culture and Literature in Tilburg. He works as a producer and director. Since 2005, he has run his own production company, D2D Media. And since 2013, they have mainly produced documentaries, (TV) series, and impactful campaigns. He has directed various documentaries for BNNVARA, Omroep Brabant, L1, and NTR.