Cinema 4D includes powerful, flexible tools that greatly simplify professional 3D workflow. Outstanding new features include the Voronoi Fracturing, interactive knife tools, 3D object tracking,numerous MoGraph enhancements, additional shader and surface effects, and Substance Engine integration. Cinema 4D evangelists Glenn Frey and Jonas Pilz will demonstrate all major innovations and show how the newfeatures and tools can add even more productivity to your workflow. They will talk three times at The Art Department:
4 Oct | 12:30 – 13:15 | stage 2
Cinema 4D Release R20 – new features by Glenn Frey & Jonas Pilz
4 Oct | 14:30 – 15:40 | stage 2
MoGraph in Cinema4D in R20 – Powerful tools for awesome effects by Jonas Pilz
5 Oct| 15:30 – 16:15 | stage 2
Character Rigging for everyone by Glenn Frey
This demonstration of Glenn Frey and Jonas Pilz is sponsored by MediaMachine and Maxon.