BUF is one of Europe’s leading VFX and animation studios, based in Paris and Los Angeles. Not only are they behind the success of Luc Besson’s Arthur and The Invisibles II & III, but their VFX and computer animations are used in over 1,000 commercials and music videos – the latter including The Rolling Stones, U2, Madonna, White Stripes, and Foo Fighters.

Recent films BUF worked on include Life of Pi, Avatar, and Enter the Void. The company’s French roots can be found in its pioneering spirit and the rich and dreamy imagery, which are widely acclaimed and has earned them many international awards. BUF even developed new animation software to simulate the movement of clothes and to animate large crowds, along with new fluids and solid dynamics systems. The famous ‘bullet time’ effect of The Matrix? Based on BUF’s research! No need to slow down here, we’ll get the latest from Phillip Jeger of BUF.